
Find out where we operate, our permitted jurisdictions and unsupported activity.

How do you reconcile funds?

We have to manually reconcile any funds that you have transferred without a reference.

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How safe is my money?

Your money is safe with Freemarket, here’s why.

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How does Freemarket safeguard my money?

We safeguard all client funds in safeguarding accounts with our banking partners.

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Which types of transaction must be safeguarded?

Any transactions that happen on our platform are deemed as funds we are required to safeguard.

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What is your risk appetite?

An outline of industries and business types that are not supported as well as further information on risk assessments for certain industry verticals.

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How are Freemarket regulated?

We adhere to strict regulations to ensure we provide best-in-class services.

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Can I have confidence in your safeguarding processes?

Yes, FreemarketFX Limited (Freemarket) is audited every year to ensure we have the correct systems and controls in place.

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Contact us

Can't find what you're looking for? Contact [email protected] or phone +44 (0)203 393 2709.

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