What are your restricted jurisdictions?

Prohibited Locations

Onboarding of a company with any UBO’s, Directors or Operations resident in or websites targeting the following sanctioned countries: Iran, North Korea, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia.

We are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) take our regulatory responsibilities very seriously, taking a risk-based approach to managing transactional risk. Therefore, in line with our anti-money laundering policy and sanction screening requirements, we cannot receive funds from or send money to the following countries, although this may be subject to change.

If you have any questions about making payments to restricted jurisdictions please contact your Relationship Manager, or contact us on [email protected].

ISO code Country 2 Digit ISO
AFG Afghanistan AF
AZE Azerbaijan AZ
BLR Belarus BY
BFA Burkina Faso BF
BDI Burundi BI
CAF Central Africa Republic CA
PRK Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) KP
COD Democratic Republic of Congo CD
ERI Eritea ER
GIN Guinea GN
GNB Guinea-Bissau GW
HTI Haiti HT
LBN Lebanon LB
LBY Libya LY
MHL Marshall Islands MH
MNE Montenegro ME
MMR Myanmar MM
NIC Nicaragua NI
NER Niger NE
PAK Pakistan PK
PSE Palestine PS
RUS Russian Federation RU
SRB Republic of Serbia RS
SOM Somalia SO
SSD South Sudan SS
SDN Sudan SD
SYR Syria SY
TUN Tunisia TN
UKR Ukraine UA
VEN Venezuela VE
ESH Western Sahara EH
YEM Yemen YE
ZWE Zimbabwe ZW

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Can't find what you're looking for? Contact [email protected] or phone +44 (0)203 393 2709.

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