What are the withdrawal transaction charges?

The possibility to apply OUR and SHA fees to withdrawals has been made available by Freemarket.

  • SHA (Shared): The recipient will be charged fees from other banks handling the payment in addition to the payer paying the Freemarket fee for the withdrawal.
  • OUR: The payer will bear the Freemarket cost in addition to any additional fees incurred by other banks executing the payment.

The different cost charge categories will be provided for selection when making a withdrawal. The charge for the transaction will vary depending on the type selected.

Steps to be followed are outlined below:

Step one

Log into the platform.

Withdrawal Transaction Charges

Step two

Head to balances and select an account to withdraw funds.

Withdrawal Transaction Charges

Step three

Beneficiary selection step will follow:

a. Depending on the payment destination country, transaction Charges option will or will not be displayed: i. Payment outside the European Economic Area (EEA)1 region: SHA/OUR option will be available:

Withdrawal Transaction Charges

An explanation of the different charges available will be shown when hovering over the (i) tooltip.

Withdrawal Transaction Charges

ii. Payment within EEA region: SHA/OUR option will not be displayed as all payments within the EEA region will be defaulted to SHA.

Step four

After selecting the desired transaction charges, the payment will need to be confirmed and the details will be displayed. A breakdown of the service fee will be available, and the transaction charges selected.

Withdrawal Transaction Charges

(1) EEA countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

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