How can I change my name and password?

This tells you where to change your name and password on the platform.

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When will my account be account be approved, rejected or reviewed?

We aim to review your account within 24 hours of your registration.

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What kind of documents should I submit for review with compliance?

Here’s a list of documents that are deemed acceptable for review.

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Why was my account rejected?

You may receive an email from us with the reasons why your application was unsuccessful.

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What are the steps to register for an account with you?

We’ve put together a step-by-step guide to help you open a Freemarket account.

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How long does it take to register?

Our registration process can vary per account application; here’s how long it might take.

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What are the withdrawal transaction charges?

When making withdrawals from the platform you’ll be presented with OUR & SHA costs.

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How can I withdraw the balance from my account?

Withdrawing the remaining balance from your Freemarket account is easy & simple.

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How can I make a withdrawal from my account?

This details how to make a withdrawal from your Freemarket account.

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Do you make payments to third parties?

In order to control the distribution of funds on the account we ensure that each beneficiary is checked and authorised before use.

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Contact us

Can't find what you're looking for? Contact [email protected] or phone +44 (0)203 393 2709.

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