FAQs directory

How do I know if my exchange has been completed?

We will notify you once any exchange has been completed.

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How do I make payments from my account?

It’s easy to create a payment from your account, here’s how.

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How do I set up 2FA on my account?

2FA is an additional layer of security on your account. The function is designed to grant you access once you present two or more pieces of evidence.

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How do I spot a fake, fraudulent or phishing email or website?

Phishing can be extremely annoying, here are the best practices in order to spot attempts.

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How do you reconcile funds?

We have to manually reconcile any funds that you have transferred without a reference.

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How does Freemarket safeguard my money?

We safeguard all client funds in safeguarding accounts with our banking partners.

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How long does it take to get my currency once I have exchanged?

We endeavour to deliver funds on the same day.

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How long does it take to register?

Our registration process can vary per account application; here’s how long it might take.

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How much do you charge?

We operate a low fee model on the amount transacted.

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How safe is my money?

Your money is safe with Freemarket, here’s why.

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Can't find what you're looking for? Contact [email protected] or phone +44 (0)203 393 2709.

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